ARCADIA on February 20, 2018, organized a webinar within a series of relevant activities organized by the Software Engineering for Services and Applications – SE4SA Cluster.

The SE4SA cluster aims at facilitating the discussion amongst experts in the area so they can exchange experiences and competences and in order to identify research directions and challenges as well as common plans to address them. In particular, the specific objectives being pursued by the cluster are:

  • identifying complementarities and synergies as well as possibilities for collaboration/results adoptions between projects;
  • identifying new challenges and trends to influence the European research agenda;
  • organizing common dissemination (publications, training and workshops);
  • identifying effective go-to-market strategies for the outcomes of research projects.

The SE4SA webinars related to the demonstration of ARCADIA Project offered the opportunity to demonstrate key project results to an open audience that includes partners of the other projects of the SE4SA cluster, collaborators and students, among others. The objective of a webinar was to promote the interest by the webinar attendees in testing, adopting, or re-using the showcased project results. The webinar lasted 60’ including 30-45’ presentation (via video, or life demo), and 15-30’ questions by attendee. It focused on detailing the story of how we built a highly distributed applications development toolkit and orchestrator within the framework of the ARCADIA research and innovation action. 25-30 persons participated in the webinar, including an interactive Q&A session. Information about the SE4SA Cluster can be found at: