The first ARCADIA workshop, was held in Athens during EuCNC 2016 (European Conference on Networks and Communications in Athens, Greece, June 27-30, 2016. The workshop gave insights on the ARCADIA architecture, on-going work, prototype implementation, and established connections with other related initiatives.
The workshop included presentation of the ARCADIA project, presentations from the industry, and presentations from other EU projects. Following the invited speeches, a panel was organized to discuss the relevance of the ARCADIA framework to the evolving cloud landscape, to highlight novel trends that have emerged after the project proposal, to reinforce collaboration with parallel EU projects, and to gather suggestions, ideas, remarks in order to improve the project. To this aim, members of the Advisory Board were invited to attend the workshop.
The grow of Internet-centric paradigms (like the Internet of Services, the Internet of Things) is boosting the need for more distributed and modularized applications. New computing architectures are emerging to tackle these paradigms, like cloud federations and “fog” computing. This evolution brings a new dimension to the software development process, which shall take into account the prominent role of networking and its implications for distributed systems (QoS, security, dependability, …) as well as the increasing trend towards the softwarization of networks and services.
Given the heterogeneity of the computing and networking solutions, it is vital to introduce novel software development paradigms that facilitate the automatic deployment and reconfiguration of the applications over distributed infrastructures, by taking advantage of the increasing programmability of such underlying infrastructures. To this aim, principles and techniques already available in recent software engineering paradigms shall also consider ground-breaking concepts in the networking domain, like Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN).
The intention of the workshop was to gather prominent experts from both academic and industry and promote an open discussion on the development of Reconfigurable-by-design applications, fostering a tighter collaboration between the Software Development, the Computing and the Networking domains.
The workshop provided an overview of on-going work in the EU projects ARCADIA and INPUT, and presentation of related initiatives in the SDN/NFV domain. The main goal was to share bleeding-edge knowledge, to cluster complementary activities, and to stimulate the synergy and cooperation from different technology domains and research project.