EU Research Project


The following related projects and initiatives have been identified that provide linking opportunities with ARCADIA:

NESSI: NESSI is a European Technology Platform active in Information and Communication Technologies for contributing to the research and innovation space of Software and Service. It provides a platform for the community from industry and academia.

  • ARCADIA partners involve: None

  • Website:

  • Project’s full name: Networked European Software and Services Initiative


FI-STAR: FI-STAR will establish early trials in the Health Care domain building on Future Internet (FI) technology leveraging on the outcomes of FI-PPP Phase 1. It will become self-sufficient after the end of the project and will continue on a sustainable business model by several partners. In order to meet the requirements of a global Health industry FI-STAR will use a fundamentally different, “reverse” cloud approach that is. It will bring the software to the data, rather than bringing the data to the software. FI-STAR will create a robust framework based of the “software to data” paradigm.

  • ARCADIA partners involve: TUB, UBITECH

  • Website:

  • Project’s full name: Future Internet Social Technological Alignment in Healthcare.

INPUT: The INPUT technologies will enable next-generation cloud applications to go beyond classical service models, and even to replace physical Smart Devices, usually placed in users’ homes (e.g., set-top-boxes, etc.) or deployed around for monitoring purposes (e.g., sensors), with their virtual images, providing them to users “as a Service”. Virtual and physical SDs will be made available to users at any time and at any place by means of virtual cloud-powered Personal Networks, which will constitute an underlying service model. The INPUT Project will foster future-proof Internet infrastructures that will be “smarter”, fully virtualized, power vs. performance optimized, and vertically integrated with cloud computing, with a clear impact on OPEX and CAPEX of Telecoms, of Service Providers, and of end-users. At the same time, it will extend the programmability of network devices to make them able to host cloud service applications, which will cooperate with the ones in users’ terminals and datacenters to realize the aforementioned cloud services.

  • ARCADIA partners involve: UBITECH, CNIT

  • Website:

  • Project’s full name: In-Network Programmability for next-generation personal cloUd service support

PASSWORD: Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, the 3-year PaaSword project focuses on the development of Cloud Security technologies and, in particular, in the implementation of an encrypted and physically distributed persistence as a Platform-as-a-Service capability for Cloud-enabled applications and services. More specifically, PaaSword introduces a holistic data privacy and security by design framework enhanced by sophisticated context-aware policy access models and robust policy access, decision, enforcement and governance mechanisms, which will enable the implementation of secure and transparent Cloud-based applications and services that will maintain a fully distributed and totally encrypted data persistence layer, and, thus, will foster customers’ data protection, integrity and confidentiality, even in the case wherein there is no control over the underlying third-party Cloud resources utilized.

  • ARCADIA partners involve: UBITECH

  • Project’s full name: A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Platform-as-a-Service Framework Introducing Distributed Encrypted Persistence in Cloud-based Applications

GEN6: The project will have 4 different national experiments (also called pilots), some of them replicated in a complementary way in different countries, considering different existing approaches with IPv4.

  • ARCADIA partners involve: UL

  • Website:

  • Project’s full name: Governments ENabled with IPv6