EU Research Project



Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland, Galway

The Insight institute at NUIG was founded in 2003 as DERI (Digital Enterprise Research Institute) and incorporated into the nationwide Insight Center for Data Analytics ( in July 2013. Its most recent peer review, conducted by the main funder Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), concluded that the science and technology application of the institute were “impressive” and “world class”. Today the Insight institute at NUIG hosts in excess of 100 members and has established itself as a top player worldwide in the areas of Web Science, Semantic Web and Linked Data. The institute has acquired direct research awards in excess of €60 million from SFI, Enterprise Ireland (EI), and EU framework programmes. It has developed and successfully implemented a research strategy around the goal of “Enabling Networked Knowledge”, which aims at capitalizing on knowledge as the fuel for the digital service economy, by linking information and exploiting the resulting knowledge graphs as the basis for economic productivity. The institute performs fundamental and applied research in a range of research areas to enable this, including data streams and sensor networks, knowledge discovery, natural language processing, social semantics and social network analysis, among others.


Stiftelsen SINTEF, Norway

SINTEF is the largest independent non-profit research organisation in Scandinavia. Its 2100 employees create value for clients in about 60 different countries via multidisciplinary research and development. SINTEF is primarily located in Trondheim and Oslo, Norway, and operates in partnership with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim and the University of Oslo.

The MOD research group is part of the Department of Networked Systems and Services within the Division of Information and Communication Technology. This group is located in Oslo, Norway, and provides research-based expertise in model-driven software engineering, with particular focus on the application of model-driven techniques and methods in the domains of cloud computing, big data, and Internet of things.


Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

With nearly 30.000 students, Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) is among the largest technical universities in Germany and member of TU9, a network of the leading Institutes of Technology in Germany. TUB offers a wide range of subjects in addition to the core subjects in natural sciences and engineering. TUB has faculties and institutes specializing in humanities, social sciences, planning and economics. TUB is a member of the Top Industrial Managers for Europe network which allows for student exchanges between leading European engineering schools. It is also a member of the Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER). TUB cooperates with more than 250 higher education institutions from all over the world. It also has a very international student body: More than 20% of the student population (approx. 6.000 students) is from foreign countries.

TUB has a vast capacity and comprehensive experience in managing international cooperation projects. TUB participates in FP7 (52 projects), Erasmus Mundus (7 projects), Joint Technology Initiatives – Clean Sky (5 projects), European Science Foundation (2 projects), 2 Leonardo (2 projects), ERA Net, CIP-EIP, EC Health, TEMPUS, COST, TEMPUS, European Investment Bank, DAAD projects as well as in a number of European Tender Studies / Service Contracts. TUB supports the international cooperative projects via a number of own central organisations like a dedicated organisation for the management of European R&D and Tender Studies / Service Contracts, a dedicated organisation for international (worldwide) relations, a dedicated organisation for international students as well as a number of services and graduate schools at the level of faculties. Research in the ICT areas takes a prominent position in TUB and is reflected in the track history and currently running of many cooperative projects.


Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni, Italy

CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications, is a non-profit consortium, currently joining 37 major Italian Universities, whose main purpose is to foster research activity and provide networking support to specific projects in the area of telecommunications. CNIT has about 600 members from affiliate universities and over 40 research and administrative employees. CNIT membership in international organizations includes ETSI, ITU-T and IEEE Technical Committees. CNIT is organized in different operating structures, including Research Units (RUs) and National Labs (NLs). The participation in Arcardia will involve the Telecommunication Networks and Telematics laboratory, hosted at the Research Unit of Genoa.

The Telecommunication Networks and Telematics Lab (TNT-LAB – is a joint laboratory involving both CNIT and University of Genoa. It is led by Prof. Raffaele Bolla and Prof. Franco Davoli, and it currently includes more than 20 people (professors, researchers, postDocs, PhD students, etc.). The main research area covers the technologies for the Future Internet, with specific focus on green networking, programmable devices, Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization. It has been involved in many European projects, and recently it led the FP7 IP project ECONET and was part of the TREND Network of Excellence.


Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia

Based on its rich tradition and academic excellence, the University of Ljubljana practices basic, applied and development research in science, arts and interdisciplinary fields, resulting in outstanding worldwide-known academic achievements and world-class research of both students and University staff. Specifically, the University is committed to highly-focused basic and applied research sciences in the fields of Electrical Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Telecommunications, Computer and Information Science and

In particular, the Laboratory of Telecommunications (LTFE) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (UL) is a propulsive research team with more than 40 employees and an impressive base of external associates and industrial partners. The laboratory is highly committed to the research, development pilot integration and trials in areas of Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR), ICT-based healthcare applications and services, Internet of Things (IoT), and User-Centred Design and Human-Computer Interaction, as well as Future Internet (FI) and Quality of Experience (QoE) in advanced communication systems. It has considerable experience with research programs and projects of the European Commission (FP7, FI-PPP, CIP) and other national and international funding bodies (PHARE, COST, IFIP, IEICE, RIPE NCC, Ministry of Defence, Slovenian Technology Agency, etc.). The results of their work and research are published in highly ranked SCI journals and protected with patents, and embodied in several industrial solutions and applications.


GIOUMPITEK– Meleti Schediasmos Ylopoiisi kai Polisi Ergon Pliroforikis EPE, Greece

UBITECH is a leading, highly innovative company, established to provide leading edge intelligent technical solutions and consulting services to businesses, organizations and government in order to allow the efficient and effective access and communication with various heterogeneous information and services, anytime and anywhere. UBITECH enables real-time valid information processing and decision-making, the realization of intelligent business environments, and B2B and B2C transactions by providing high added-value business – oriented and –based solutions. UBITECH has been established in Athens, Greece back in 2005, concentrated initially in the Greek and Balkan market and acquiring several EC and national grants for novel R&D initiatives. Currently, UBITECH has extended its operations with targeted international activities through its affiliated companies, subsidiaries and offices, Madrid (Spain) and Buenos Aires (Argentina), concentrating mainly in the Spanish-speaking countries of Central and Latin America. UBITECH performs applied research in the areas of Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies, social networks and collaborative working environments, open data management, autonomous computing and sensor networks, NER and NLP techniques for opinions and arguments modelling and analysis, Cloud computing (as PaaS and SaaS levels) and Interoperability. UBITECH applies its research results to solve problems in various application-oriented projects in the domains of Life Sciences and e-Health, Ambient Assisted and Independent Livi.


WINGS ICT Solutions Information & Communication Technologies EPE, Greece

WINGs is a dynamic SME conducting research and developing solutions in ICT. WINGS ICT Solutions is staffed by members who have worked previously in the University of Piraeus Research Center (UPRC) and have been active in research and development for more than twenty years. Specifically, WINGS comprises members with great experience in designing and developing highly distributed systems for telecommunications, IoT and other various application domains. WINGS pursues research and prototyping achievements in the areas of device management; IoT/M2M platforms; smart wireless access; intelligent management of ICT, end-2-end, cloud infrastructures; development of big data platforms/ machine learning mechanisms.


The history of Maggioli is that of a large company, established almost a century ago when the family’s first presses printed slips for council offices. It is a history that continued to evolve, hand in hand with the evolution of public administration.Today, the Maggioli Group is acknowledged as being the main Italian corporate organization with a guiding role for those who operate in local public administrations. Through the work of the various companies in its group, Maggioli contributes to improving the managerial effectiveness and efficiency of the public reality and related professions. Maggioli offers a broad range of specific, highly professional solutions in several domains (business divisions): information technology, document management, publishing & conventions, training, education & consulting, local tax and revenue management and services

The “IT pole Maggioli”, born from the integration of the experiences of the Maggioli Group software house (Maggioli Informatica) with the expertise of other software houses belonging to Maggioli Group – CEDAF, STUDIO K, ELDASOFT, SAGA – is the most qualified Italian company in ICT solutions and services for the local public sector. The specific and complementary know-how of all these companies makes Maggioli the ideal technological partner for advanced IT solutions and specific projects for the local Public Administration, able to offer a complete product range for all Public Administration IT requirements. Another important characteristic of Maggioli Group is the widespread presence on the territory with a highly qualified assistance and consulting network, consequence of over 5.000 installations in local Public Administrations all over Italy.


ADITESS Advanced Integrated Technology Solutions and Services Ltd, CYPRUS

ADITESS is a Cyprus-based Small Medium Enterprise (SME) established in 2011. ADITESS is a scientific, consulting and research company whose purpose is to conduct theoretical and applied research and to produce studies, in strategic and in tactical level, on issues concerning Security policies, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Transportation and Cargo Security and Border Management and to develop state of the art applied Security Solutions at the above mentioned areas. ADITESS has the ability to provide advisory and consulting services to various Government Organizations and other Public and Private authorities on these same issues. Our staff composed of dedicated and experienced professionals who have outstanding professional and academic experience in the area of Homeland Security, and have been involved in EU Research Programmes as well as national and international projects for several years in the same area. ADITESS members decided to join their complementary skills in order to offer a large portfolio of services and support activities as well as technical expertise in both R&D and commercial activities. Our business philosophy is to adhere to the needs and requirements of our clients, providing high quality customer satisfaction, leading to a loyal and expanding customer following. ADITESS goal is to fully support our Clients to identify their specific needs, plan, implement and deliver project successfully. We intend to work closely with its Client providing a complete range of project delivery services and expert advice throughout the project life cycle.